Elsen & Son

Elsen & Son

At the beginning, ELSEN and SON is the story of a woman, the story of Josine Elsen: a passionate interior designer, a mother, a painter in her spare time, a lover of fabrics, fibers , materials… Passion that she quickly passed on to her son, Jihad El Masri, who, from a very young age, found a passion for the countless carpets in the family home that he devoted himself to maintaining. At the end of a university course as a lawyer in Belgium, he did not give up his passion for interior design: he became in turn responsible for major redevelopment projects by collaborating with prestigious architects, then responsible distribution for various brands of carpets, before putting his experience to good use in the service of the work started earlier by his mother. He then asks her for a trip of several months across Asia: climbing the Nepalese massifs, mazes of alleys attacking artisans in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Philippines… Mother and son travel this part of the world in search of the best craftsmen and the best fibers with the intention of offering products of unrivaled quality while maintaining ancestral techniques: durability and aesthetics are the key words that will guide all their prospecting.

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